User Experience Services

User Experience Services

We look at the user experience from 360°.

Today, when the user experience is discussed, everyone talks web. APS recognizes that there is more to the user experience than successful interactions with the web or mobile or social media. Think of print communications—announcements of changes to your customers, billing or status statements. And think of your call center and sales scripts. These are all part of the user experience.

Want to discuss web? We want the first-time web or social media surfer to enjoy the experience and be excited to come back. We want the first-time purchaser—whether for services or products—to be able to find information on the desired items quickly and be able to purchase a product on the web or smartphone, or easily locate the correct contact for services pricing. And—most importantly—we want your return customer, your revenue base, to find the time spent making another purchase from your website easier than other purchase experiences.

We are aware that over 90% of all potential customers start with a web search and on average only 2% of prospects convert to customers. Our marketing analysts and user experience architects work tirelessly to improve this conversion rate by staying current on activities in the marketplace and by learning about your repeat customers and incorporating what attracts your repeat customers to entice your prospects.

Providing a delightful user experience to all people in the various stages of the buying cycle and across all channels requires skilled design, analytical thought, and expert knowledge. The user experience must be intuitive and consistent throughout the buying cycle and across all touchpoints, whether digital or personal: mobile, web, call center, support.

We design so the user, in each stage of the buying cycle, is delighted with the interaction with the ‘representative’ of your company—whether digital, print, or personal. Our approach entices more prospects to become first-time buyers, and grows the relationship with first-time buyers to become loyal repeat customers.

Assessing the User Experience

APS has the expertise to assess the quality and intent of a proposed design through user experience design reviews. We have the experience to review all touchpoints and channels that affect your customer.

We also offer usability reviews through sampling the target audience. Again, while most common for the web, we perform usability reviews for all channels and touchpoints. We address the intent, design, ease of use, utility, and efficiency of the message.