IT Transformation & Web Development

IT Transformation & Web Development

Digital Transformation

The world of Information Technology changes quickly and keeping up is not easy. Yet your customers, partners, employees and anyone accessing your website, consciously or unconsciously, have certain expectations.

Digital transformation affects all aspects of the business, technology, processes, user interfaces, and the pace of change of all of these. Every aspect of the business is deeply affected when done properly. But can be deeply affected in a negative way when not done properly.

Digital transformation is a combination of technology, user experience engineering, and architecture. But most of all, it’s a mindset. Re-imagining everything, a shift in thinking from how it’s always been done, to how would people like it to work. It changes the focus from technology limiting what can be done to technology enabling what can be accomplished.

Custom Web Development

What is the goal of your company website? To lure prospects to your site? To disseminate information? To make a sale? Or all three?

APS has the experience in website architecture, design, and development to give your company the look and feel it wants to present, while incorporating the intent of your web channel.

Our technologists and web architects stay current on the technology and platforms that provide a robust user experience, and are able to create or upgrade your site with these changes in mind.

Our web designers stay current on human factors, including color, gender, and gerontological receptors. Our designers are able to expand the boundaries from a site that sells products to a site that entices your target audience into your vision of your company and your brand.

Our web developers are highly skilled on a variety of platforms and in a variety of languages and databases. They bring all facets of web knowledge to the development task, including search optimization, databases, CRM software, and analytics. Our web developers are able to take your site and pages well beyond the basics learned by the average web coder.

APS provides ancillary services that can go a long way toward making your website outstanding. We can provide you with competitive and industry analysis, user experience assessments, media and product branding support, social media and mobile development, message consistency, internal and external communications preparation, channel-integrated marketing analytics, and continuous improvement and transformational roadmaps.